Get (and stay) on the cutting edge
Get (and stay) on the cutting edge
Get (and stay) on the cutting edge
Every major model supported
We support all major 3rd party and hosted large language models. Our research team is constantly evaluating new models to ensure you are always on the cutting edge.
Every major model supported
We support all major 3rd party and hosted large language models. Our research team is constantly evaluating new models to ensure you are always on the cutting edge.
The right model for the right job
Our platform is built such that every single analysis point, down to a single tag or scorecard question, can be routed to a specific model to maximize depth and accuracy.
The right model for the right job
Our platform is built such that every single analysis point, down to a single tag or scorecard question, can be routed to a specific model to maximize depth and accuracy.
Fine-tune your own models
In a click of a button, you can use your existing data to create hyper-accurate models for complex or high-stakes analysis, like deciding when to send a big promotion.
Fine-tune your own models
In a click of a button, you can use your existing data to create hyper-accurate models for complex or high-stakes analysis, like deciding when to send a big promotion.